Angola NCII 5000TPD project achieve PAC certificate


July 27, 2017 was a bright and sunny day. Under the witness of all managers of each project team, Ms. Wang Xuemei, Deputy Chief Engineer and Project Manager, and Mr. Kurt, Project Manager of Angola NCII project Cimangola, signed the PAC certificate, which was a historic moment of NCII project located on the bank of Atlantic Ocean. The signing of PAC meant the successful completion of the EPC contract of Angola NCII 5,000TPD project. Meanwhile, it also marked that the EPC project management of SINOMA Overseas reached a record level.

We will never forget each milestone event in the Angola NCII 5,000TPD project implementation process:

On April 1, 2015, the EPC contract came into effect;

On May 7, 2015, a project kick-off meeting was held in Luanda;

On January 27, 2017, the project was officially ignited;

On July 12, 2017, the completion ceremony was held;

On July 27, 2017, the PAC certificate was signed.

During the past 26 months, under the wise guidance and control from the company leaders and with the strong support and close cooperation from our subcontractors and company departments, all the staff of project departments worked together to face and get through difficulties. Certificates including that of 15TPH pet coke grinding project, water intake and delivery system project, 60kv transmission line project and NCII cement factory project (including the CPP) were obtained through the joint efforts.

The successful delivery of the NCII 5,000TPD project in Angola achieved win-win result between the Owner and SINOMA. The Owner got rid of the situation that clinker relied on imports, and has already started the export business of clinker, which has created admirable social and economic benefits. As Ms. Martins, the Minister of Industry in Angola, said, "the CIMANGOLA cement plant is a milestone in the history of Angola's industry." The official production of the cement production line made economic development of Angola more promising.

The success of the Angola project established the leading position of SINOMA in the cement engineering field in Africa and built a solid foundation for its strategic development and implementation.